The effects of body mass index on peak aerobic capacity in post myocardial infarction patients

作者: D. Brodie , X. Liu , P.E. Bundred

DOI: 10.1016/S1362-3265(99)80006-6

关键词: Internal medicinePhysical therapyAerobic capacityCardiologyBlood pressureSports medicineRate pressure productRespiratory exchange ratioHeart rateBody mass indexTreadmillMedicine

摘要: Summary The purpose of the study was to examine influence adiposity on aerobic capacity post myocardial infarction patients (PMIP) during early stages cardiac rehabilitation. One hundred and sixteen recent PMIP were divided into four groups similar age height according their body mass index (BMI) above or below a BMI 25, with without beta blockade. They undertook graded exercise test (modified Bruce protocol) motorised treadmill until volitional cessation reaching any American College Sports Medicine (ACSM) criteria. Ratings perceived exertion (RPE)_and blood pressure recorded every 3 minutes exercise. Oxygen uptake (O2), respiratory exchange ratio heart rate (HR) 30 seconds 12-lead electrocardiogram monitored continuously. results showed that both 25) 70% (non-blockade, BMI>25) respectively. Peak product did not distinguish between groups, but, as expected, show differences It is evident compromising functional metabolic measures but less so in Reducing patient's 25 will have particular benefits for impairment should be included

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