作者: Hubert L. Rosomoff , Fred Carroll , Jerry Brown , Peter Sheptak
DOI: 10.3171/JNS.1965.23.6.0639
关键词: Percutaneous cordotomy 、 Nuclear medicine 、 Medicine
摘要: Cred i t for the concept ion of pe rcu taneous cordo tomy belongs to N[ullan and his associates Chicago. 2 However , r echn ique utilizes a rad ioac ivet ipped needle, and, since isotopic needles are no generally available, me thod canno be used by all neurosurgeons. I is import n h m e o d available which could appl icable in any neurosurgical unit approach mos acceptable p rocedure ye developed. s imple perform, it well le ra ted pa en y offered those ta tes heal th including ien ts who otherwise or should subjec major opera ive procedure . This repor describes modif icat Mul lan technique equ ipmen commercia l ly easily buil por table ins rumenta appears app roach pract ica ideal generalized use.