作者: Jongpil Choi , Sifat Islam
关键词: Engineering drawing 、 Section (archaeology) 、 Computer science 、 USable 、 Code (cryptography)
摘要: Thisstudyproposed thesolutionsmechanisms. We callthistestframework the ofthreeproblems. Thefirst problemisthat Unified TestEnvironment (UTE). Thepurpose of thereisno unified platform to integratethisstudyistoprovide an idealUnified Test various methodologies. Thesecondproblem Environment fortheOPPproject. isthatUML toolsneedimprovements for practical use.Thethird problemisthatevenif Insection 2,development methodologies are thedeveloped codematcheswithrequirementintroduced andfeatures that wewishtoinclude in specs, there arebugs. atestplatform aregiven. 3,anoverall This studyprovidesan unifiedand description ofUTEisgiven. Section 3and4are integrated testenvironment (UTE)thatcanbe descriptions ofUTE functions, automatic test usedtocombinevarious UTE generation andTS mapping. 4 provides canremovethedummytestcasesandmake internal mechanismto implement these thetestcasespractically usable. TDDorother functions usingan XMI processing engine. In methods only focus on meetingthe section 5,we describe anintegrated methodof requirement specs.Thisstudyprovides technologies. casesforthemissing specs.