作者: Teni Boulikas , Maria Vougiouka , Nikolaos Volakakis , Georgios P. Stathopoulos
关键词: Hum 、 Molecular biology 、 Tumor targeting 、 Pathology 、 Tumor cells 、 Human studies 、 Medicine 、 Hepatocellular cancer 、 E platinum 、 Lipoplatin 、 Advanced stage
摘要: Lipoplatin TM , a liposomal formulation of cisplatin, was developed with almost negligible nephrotoxicity ototox ic ity and ne ur otoxicity as de monstrated in pre c linic al Phase I hum an studies . A polye thy le ne-gly col oating the lipos ome nanopartic les is s uppos ed to r e sult tumor acc um ulation drug by ex travas ation thr ough alte re d tum or vas culatur e. We xplor hy pothe that intr av nous infus ion es ults tar geting four indepe ndent patient (one w ith hepatoce llular ade noc ar cinom a, tw o gas tr cance r, one colon anc er ) ho unde we nt infusion follow pr che dule ger y ~ 20h later D ir ec t m easur em ent platinum ve ls pec im ns fr om norm tis sues show total v els on ave age 10-50 time higher alignant ue ompar adjace sue pe cim ens; most effe tive targe ting obse rv umulation up 200- fold highe olon com pare nor mal sue. Of ral gic spec ime tric dis playe sugge sting andidate antic agent for gastr tumors ; ens had 260 icr ogr am /g than any tiss el anim als tre ate at much dos Fat play high sur gical ee diffe patie nts lating lipid caps ule platin its mulation. It infer apped but not eacte mac romolec whe ac te ellular macr omole ules data onsis