作者: Opher Etzion , Avigdor Gal
关键词: Execution model 、 Programming language 、 Temporal database 、 Computer science 、 Database 、 Database theory
摘要: AParallelExecutionMo delforUp datingTemp oralDatabasesAvigdor Gal, Opher EtzionTechnion - Israel Institute ofhnologyFaculty of Industrial Engineering andManagementInformation Systems DepartmentHaifa, 32000,IsraelEmail:favigal, ieretzng@ie.technion.ac.ilAbstractA parallel execution mo del for the up date pro cess temp oral databases is intro duced in this pap er,based on paralleli sm and indep endence.The approach improves through-put massive complex dates a multi-versionschema system.The notion agentsand its e ect parallelis m discussed, as well di erent transaction des.Several simulation resultsthat present b ene ts are discussed.keywords:temp databases, cessing, schema versioning.The work author was supp orted by H. Kieval Research Fund.1