摘要: Three weeks before the deadline of this chapter was due, I out on one my long bike rides: time from Oslo to old hometown. took small roads and ventured into unknown Norwegian countryside. It quite hot for April water. The hills were rolling becoming steeper. Then, in middle forest see a guy sitting outside an peasant house, typical nineteenth-century Norway: one-storied built unstable rock foundations. stop ask if can get some He replies, ‘Sorry, don’t understand Norwegian.’ English he goes inside fill water bottle. Once again where is from. answer: ‘Greece.’ what doing there nowhere says, ‘I just arrived start work next week. rent house now: it has no electricity, solar panels, proper piping. My wife two children arrive then we need find better place live.’ Here Greek man, his forties, living ramshackle woods nowhere, Norway! If that isn’t resilience times crisis, is?