作者: J. R. Pierce

DOI: 10.1073/PNAS.47.11.1808


摘要: 10 Brown, H., Astrophys. J., 111, 641 (1950). 11 Uroy, H. C., in Hlandbuch der Physik, eel. S. Fldigge (Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1959), vol. 52, p. 363. 12 Suess, E., and C. UJrey, ibid., 51, 296. 13 De Marcus, W. 419. 14 Kobayashi, R., D. L. Katz, J,. Petrol. Technol., 1, 66 (1949). 5 This figure is estimated from the pressures of H2, N2, 02, CO2 needed to stabilize Structure II hydrates above decomposition point (Stackelberg, M. von, Meinhold, Z. Elektrochem., 58, 40 (1954). The 1/50 very approximate could be as high 1/20 or low 1/100. 16 Sagan, Miller, Astronom. 65, 499 (1960). " Zabriskie, F. J. Geophyo. Res., 2534 18 Kuiper, G. P., Atmospheres Earth Planets (Chicago: University Chicago Press, rev. ed., 1952), 306. 19 Water vapor will condense below 170?K form a cubic ice with unit cell 6.36 A (Blackman, M., N. Lisgarten, Adv. Physics, 7, 189 (1958)). lattice vibrations this should different both gas hexagonal ice. 20 100, 378 (1944). 2 Strong, quoted ref. 22. 22 Science, 133, 849 (1961). 23Tammann, G., Krige, Anorg. Chem., 146, 179 (1925). 24 Hallett, B. Mason, Proc. Roy. Soc. (London), A247, 440 (1958); 235 (1958). 26 Dollfus, A., Satellites, ed. P. Kuiper Middlehurst 1961), 343. extrapolation water-hydrate-gas equilibrium less accurate than ice-hydrate-gas because corrections for dissolved gas, pressure changes activity water, ideal deviations. 27 Scholander, F., et al., Glaciology, 3, 813 28Whipple, L., 375 (1950); 113, 464 (1951). Glasel, these PROCEEDINGS, 47, 174 30 Delsemme, A. Swings, Ann. Astrophys., 15, 1 (1952). 31 Amorphous converted when heated about 150?K."
