The prepubertal testis: a quiescent or a silently active organ?

作者: Rodolfo Rey

DOI: 10.14670/HH-14.991


摘要: T he d eve lo pm e nt of t testis is characte rised by dramatic changes between birth and ad ulthood. The most conspicuous take pl ace during puberty, when the seminiferous tubule diameter inc reases sig nifica ntl y owing to an impo rt ant prolifera tion ge rm cells, giving rise spermatozoa, the deve lopment a tubul ar lumen; in interstiti al tissue characteristic Leydig cells appear secrete high leve ls testosterone . hese pube rtal testis ca n be detected cli nica ll since th ey result testi cul volume se rum androgen level increments. The prepubert has c1assical\y been defined as quiescent organ. However, adequate ste reological methods fo r mi croscopic analysis are ava ilable, it been shown that male gonad triplicates its be tween onset puberty. Sertoli spermatogoni proliferate intensely; this critical th develo pme qu tit at ive ly no l adult spermatogenesis. Seminiferous increases owing increment length, not di ameter. Serto li ce lls re lso f un c ti o na ac ve durin g childhood: they produce amounts anti-Mulleri horm ne during w ho le prepu pe ri od, in hibin B until age 2-4 years. A nti-Mulle hormone inhibin seem playa role modulators of prolife ration diffe renti ation precursors.
