摘要: Chapter 1 -- Learning: Introduction, Issues, Historical Perspectives Learning Defined Theory and Research Functions of theory Conducting research Methods Assessing Direct observations Written responses Oral Ratings by others Self-reports Precursors Modern Theories philosophy Beginnings the psychological study learning Structuralism functionalism Critical Issues in Study Which processes affect learning? What is role memory? motivation? How does transfer occur? are involved self-regulation? implications for instruction? Relation Instruction perspective Instructional commonalities Integration practice Three Scenarios Kathy Stone's third-grade class Jim Marshall's U. S. History Gina Brown's educational psychology Summary Further Reading 2 Conditioning Connectionism Trial-and-error Laws exercise effect Other principles Revisions to Thorndike's applications Classical Basic Informational variables Biological influences Conditioned emotional reactions Watson's Behaviorism Little Albert experiment Contiguous Acts movements Associative strength Rewards punishments Habit formation change Operant Conceptual framework Behavioral Behavior modification Verbal behavior Self-regulation Self-monitoring Self-instruction Self-reinforcement Applications objectives Programmed instruction Contingency contracts Keller Plan 3 Social Cognitive Framework Reciprocal interactions Enactive vicarious performance Modeling Processes imitation modeling skill Rule Influences on Performance Developmental status learners Model prestige competence Vicarious consequences models Goals Expectations Outcome expectations Self-Efficacy overview Self-efficacy achievement situations Models self-efficacy Motor skills Health therapeutic activities Self-Regulation cognitive Cyclical nature self-regulation 4 Information Processing System Assumptions Two-store (dual-memory) model Critique Levels processing Activation level Attention attention reading Perception Gestalt Sensory registers Long term memory comparisons Two-Store Memory Short-term (working) Long-term encoding Long-Term Memory: Storage Propositions declarative knowledge procedural Production Systems Connectionist systems Retrieval strategies Encoding specificity Forgetting Mental Imagery Representation spatial information LTM Individual differences 5 Conditional Knowledge Metacognition Variables influencing metacognition Concept The concepts attainment Teaching Motivational Problem Solving solving defined Heuristics Problem-solving Experts novices Implications Transfer views Types Strategy Motivation strategy Academic studying 6 Constructivist Overview Situated cognition Contributions Vygotsky's Sociocultural Background Zone Proximal Development Private Speech speech Verbalization Socially mediated Contextual factors Implicit theories Teachers' Environments Key features APA Learner-Centered Principles methods Reflective teaching 7 Cognition Discovery process discovery Meaningful Reception Meaningfulness expository Advance organizers Conditions outcomes events hierarchies Phases time Mastery Inquiry with worked examples load Peer-assisted Teacher planning decision making practices Learner Characteristics Aptitude-treatment styles Learners' resource allocations Adapting Technology technology Technological Future directions 8 Scientific foundations Philosophical Child Movement Human relevant developmental Structural Piaget's Bruner's Growth growth representation Spiral curriculum Contemporary Themes changes Developmentally appropriate Transitions schooling Familial SES Home environment Parental involvement Case's Teacher-student 9 Neuroscience Organization Structures Neural organization Brain structures Localization interconnections Neurophysiology system networks Language Influential development periods Emotions Relevance brain Educational issues Brain-based 10 Content-Area Skill Acquisition General specific Novice-to-Expert Methodology Comprehension Components comprehension Parsing Utilization Decoding Writing Composition Reviewing Mathematics Computation Constructivism Science Expert-novice Reasoning scientific beliefs Studies Geography 11 Motivated Pretask During task Posttask Drive consistency Humanistic Achievement Expectancy-value Fear success motivation Self-worth Task ego training Attribution Locus control Naive analysis action programs comparison Goal orientations Conceptions ability Perceptions Control Learned helplessness Students problems Self-Concept Dimensions Self-concept Intrinsic Theoretical perspectives Overjustification reward Volition Values Self-schemas Help seeking 12 Next Steps Questions Conclusion Glossary References Author Index Subject