摘要: Although the health hazards of obesity have been clearly established, exactly where healthy weight ends and unhealthy begins is a matter controversy.1 Numerous studies evaluated association between metabolic abnormalities or diseases that occur in people whose at higher end scale, but comparatively few examined these associations who fall into lower middle range being overweight. In January issue European Heart Journal , Ashton colleagues investigated relation body mass index (calculated as (kg)/(height (m)2) several established risk factors for coronary heart disease using cross-sectional survey 14 077 apparently women aged 30 to 64 years.2 et al found women's (BMI) increased from 30, blood pressure also significantly, did concentrations total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL) apolipoprotein B, fasting triglycerides, glucose. Concentrations high (HDL) cholesterol A I decreased. Using modified version Framingham study's algorithm predicting disease, investigators showed estimated 10 year significantly …