Privatization : property and the remaking of nature-society relations

作者: Becky Mansfield



摘要: Introduction: Becky Mansfield. 1. The Fictions of Autonomous Invention: Accumulation by Dispossession, Commodification and Life Patents in Canada (Scott Prudham). 2. 'Commons' Versus the 'Commodity': Alter-globalization, Anti-privatization Human Right to Water Global South (Karen Bakker). 3. Polanyian Way? Voluntary Food Labels as Neoliberal Governance (Julie Guthman). 4. Property, Markets, Dispossession: Western Alaska Community Development Quota Neoliberalism, Social Justice, Both, Neither (Becky Mansfield). 5. Discovering Price All Wrong Places: Work Commodity Definition under Environmental Policy (Morgan Robertson). 6. Difference that Class Makes: Neoliberalization Non-Capitalism Fishing Industry New England (Kevin St Martin). 7. Land Reform Time Neoliberalism: A Many-Splendored Thing (Wendy Wolford). Index.
