Events and Semantic Architecture

作者: Paul M. Pietroski



摘要: "This book explores how grammatical structure is related to meaning. The meaning of a phrase clearly depends on its constituent words and how they are combined. But how does structure contribute to meaning in natural language? Does combining adjectives with nouns (as in 'brown dog') differ semantically from combining verbs with adverbs (as in 'barked loudly')? What is the significance of combining verbs with names and quantificational expressions (as in 'Fido chased every cat')? In addressing such questions, Paul Pietroski develops a novel conception of linguistic meaning according to which the semantic contribution of combining expressions is simple and uniform across constructions." "Designed to be accessible to anyone with a basic knowledge of logic, Events and Semantic Architecture will interest a wide range of scholars in linguistics, philosophy, and cognitive science."--Résumé de l'éditeur.
