R. Admiraal, S.E. Clement, J.A. Beckwith, S.A. Moore, B.D. Curnow, The impact of forest thinning on perceptions of recreational value and forest health: technical report of research findings: Wungong catchment trialBeckwith, J.A. <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Beckwith, Jo Ann.html>, Moore, S.A. <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Moore, Susan.html>, Clement, S.E. <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Clement, Sarah.html>, Curnow, B.D. and Admiraal, R. <http://researchrepository.murdoch.edu.au/view/author/Admiraal, Ryan.html> (2010) The impact of forest thinning on perceptions of recreational value and forest health: technical report of research findings: Wungong catchment trial. Beckwith Environmental Planning and Murdoch University, Perth.. ,(2010)