摘要: T I wHE regular spacing of towns has often been noted. The distance between any two adjacent in the same size class fits fairly well formula (P1P2)/D = A, which Pi and P2 stand for populations D them A is a constant given region. distribution by also shown to follow an empirical rule, so-called Rank-Size Rule. In Zipf's version' rule states that if all region are arranged descending order population, rth town i/r largest town, according series i, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, . i/r. More analytical work, notably Christaller L6sch,2 based on function rather than seeks demonstrate regularity hierarchy, both relative numbers serving as local, regional, interregional centers consequent ratios several stages subordination superordination function. rank-size finding, not logical structure. Nevertheless, its partial verification suggests underlying basis.3 On other hand, doctrine there typical town-size pyramid principally schema. purports find verification, but his data have challenged; Losch satisfied with Christaller's evidence only one seven functional classes distinguishes own research fails convincing clustering sizes correspond limited number discrete constellations. There no coincidence, even theoretically, cities size-class hierarchy type postulated L6sch. former yields smooth curve sizes; latter ladder successively lower towns, grouped around normal values corresponding Even gross coincidence distributions