作者: M. C. Kelley , C. Gardner , J. Drummond , T. Armstrong , A. Liu
DOI: 10.1029/1999GL011175
摘要: In November 1998 the earth passed through a maximum in cometary material responsible for yearlyLeonids meteorshower. Themeteorstormeventpro- duced numerous examples of long-lived chemiluminescent trails|visible to naked eye|over New Mexico, where major observation campaign was centered. One trail detected over an hour with CCD camera employing narrow sodiumlter, and many others were observed ten minutes each. For rst time, sodium densi- ties such trails measured while also being imaged light. Wehaveveried onesource light emissions|a sodium-catalyzed reaction involving ozone| but it is far too weak explain visibility trails. Inaddition,wepresentanewexplanationforthecylindrical shell appearance long reported show that ozone depletion by chemical processes possible explanation this phenomenon.