摘要: This paper explores how single mothers both incorporate others into family life (e.g., when they ask to care for their children) and simultaneously "do families" in a manner that holds out vision of "traditional" structure. Drawing on research with White, rural mothers, the author which these women endorse children's attachment other caregivers maintain boundaries around issues discipline vis-a-vis others. The demonstrates are willing share this protected realm new man (a fiance or cohabiting boyfriend) as pursue goal what has been called "Standard North American Family." Key Words: marriage close relationships, postdivorce parenting, qualitative research, rural/farm families, single-parent families. In No Shame My Game: Working Poor Inner City, Newman (2000, p. 195) movingly depicts complex kin networks-what she calls "'irregular' household structures"-of working poor inner city. chapter "Family Values" describes network Patty, young woman who works at "Burger Barn," do most individuals highlighted book. explains Patty's mother lives sixth floor building, brother still there well, sister just few blocks away. She members provide Patty vitally important emotional material support (p. 196): "Their proximity made big difference life, collective help, able go work knowing adults her can help watch children." Indeed, tells us relies "upon siblings substitute supervisors kids, adjunct eyes ears, is work. Without them, would be faced some unhappy choices." Yet, all con viction created vital survival, engendered deep connections between children people about 196) argues limits degree responsibility shared nuclear structure altered: web kinship does not supersede individual childrearing mother-in-charge. remains main figure whom kids' revolve. one feeds clothes watches over homework, puts Band-Aids skin knees. keeps them safe from pitfalls streets... gone without things needs herself so could afford ... items sound like luxuries but turn key-or least key-to keeping kids indoors through hot summer months. asserting "motherin-charge," actually provides very image constitutes mother-and replaces "shared" parenting had previously suggested. A mother, insists, person controls, protects, nurtures, makes sacrifices behalf children. Children have "one" time; behavior within clearly denned. Thus, much harkened back Stack 189), also draws clear distinction model (1974) described All Our Kin where identified "tasks" motherhood-providing, disciplining, training, curing, grooming-did reside were real fictive "parental rights children" ones observes more contemporary neighborhoods urban poor. If right here-and no reason doubt conclusion-I then suggest "does" create ensure feel obligated children, must engage distinctive activity drawing defining care. …