摘要: Abstract : In the last year, we have studied several issues that are critical for understanding ionospheric weather. Work on global F-region modeling has consisted of testing Phillips Laboratory Global Theoretical Ionosphere Model. Comparisons with both data and other theoretical models been successfully conducted ongoing. GPS observations, as well analysis, also Data collected a study limitations in making absolute measurements using GPS. Another variability is first its kind data. The observed seasonal total electron content behavior consistent determined from Faraday rotation technique. FAA's Phase 1 Wide Area Differential (WADGPS) Satellite Navigation Testbed Experiment continues. Initial results indicate stations operational WADGPS should be located no greater than 430 km apart. comparing our electron-proton-H atom model to observations generally successful. We modeled creation high-latitude large-scale plasma structures two separate mechanisms (time-varying convection meso-scale events). Ionospheric weather, modeling, Total content, GPS, TEC, Aurora, Electron transport, Proton-H Plasma structure, Patches