Imaging Atomic-Scale Spin Structures

作者: Roland Wiesendanger

DOI: 10.1002/IMIC.200790140


摘要: A fundamental understanding of magnetic and spin-dependent phenomena requires the determination spin structures excitations down to atomic scale. The direct visualization atomic-scale [1 – 4] has first been accomplished for metals by combining resolution capability Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) [5, 6] with sensitivity, based on vacuum tunnelling spin-polarized electrons [7]. resulting technique, Spin-Polarized (SP-STM), nowadays provides unprecedented insight into collinear non-collinear at surfaces nanostructures already led discovery new types order nanoscale (fig. 1 [8]). More recently, detection exchange correlation forces allowed a real-space observation antiferromagnetic insulators [9]. This type scanning probe microscopy, called Magnetic Exchange Force (MExFM), powerful tool investigate different spin-spin interactions direct-, super-, or RKKY-type level.

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