摘要: Abstract Cenozoic foraminiferal biostratigraphy, biogeography and ecology in the North Atlantic its marginal borderland areas is reviewed. Planktonic faunal diversity provincialization exhibit fluctuating patterns which indicate a complex historical relationship between changing pa-leogeography, paleooceanography paleoclimatology. Late Neogene climatic deterioration reflected increased planktonic development of separate zonations for high low latitudes as well reduction amphi-Atlantic cosmopolitanism among shallow water benthonic Foraminifera. In similar manner stratigraphic geographic distribution Foraminifera have been dependent upon geometry plate. The apparently slow rate morphologic evolution most deep-water phyletic lineages restricts their usefulness fine-scaled biostratigraphic studies (the larger foraminifera are an obvious exception), but there has renewed interest using them paleobiogeographic, paleo-oceanographic paleobathymetric studies. modern bathyal-abyssal fauna about 15 Ma allows paleocirculation interpretations by analogy with living faunas valid over most, if not all, Neogene, general way Paleogene well.