摘要: Contents: B. Inhelder, Foreword. H. Beilin, Piaget's New Theory. Part I:Understanding Self-Organizing Systems as Equilibrating Systems. R. Garcia, The Structure of Knowledge and the Structure. M. Chapman, Equilibration Dialectics Organization. Case, Neo-Piagetian Theories Intellectual Development. II:Theory Mind: Examining Representation in Thought. J.H. Flavell, Perspectives on Perspective Taking. J. Perner, Wilde-Astington, Child's Understanding Mental Representation. III:Seeking Truth Meaning: Logic Scientific Reasoning. Brynes, Meaningful Logic: Developmental Perspectives. D. Kuhn, Child Scientist. IV:Language, Culture, Sinclair, Changing Language Acquisition. Bruner, Narrative Construction Reality. V:Constructing Societies. H.G. Furth, Origin Human Youniss, W. Damon, Social F. Murray, Reconstructing Constructivism: Development American Educational Reform. VI:Final Commentary. P.B. Pufall, In Conclusion: Continuing Implications.