摘要: Volatilization of solids in the broad sense includes any process which results conversion matter from solid state to vapor phase. may occur two principal ways. Solid be converted into by (1) evaporation, case gaseous molecules formed consist entirely atoms supplied solid, or (2) a chemical reaction between and another species form products. In latter other gas, liquid. The additional present inadvertently as part environmental gas container material, introduced purposely. reactions this second type are governed considerations described chapters treatise (cf. Chapters 4, 5, 8, 9 Volume 4). However, although more complex, with phases, particularly gases, volatile products related to, some respects similar. direct evaporation gases solids. Gas-surface volatilization complicated need for interaction, adsorption, incoming Chapter 5 6A 8 4. following, perhaps during, formation product molecular processes similar those occurring during chapter.