作者: Eric José Messi Ottou , Joseph Mvondo Ondoa , Sébastien Owona , Joseph Martial Akame , Sylvestre Martial Ntomba
DOI: 10.4314/AFSCI.V10I4
摘要: Au cours des trente dernieres annees, les risques et catastrophes naturels ont ete identifies etudies principalement dans la zone volcano-sedimentaire tertiaire a actuelle. Une analyse de geomorphologique region Lolodorf-Mvengue qui est une portion mobile eburneenne appartenant au complexe du Nyong d’âge paleo-proterozoique Cameroun montre qu’elle presente aussi bien potentiels pour populations riveraines leur bien. Mots-cles: geomorphologie structurale, naturels, Lolodorf-Mvengue, Nyong, SW Cameroun. Structural geomorphology and natural hazard of belt in the nyong complex, sw cameroon: case lolodorf Natural disaster identified studied these last thirty years principally regions tertiary to actual volcano-sedimentary formations. A geomorphological study which is movable area Eburnean owned by comlex Paleoproterozoic age Cameroon showing that it equally presents potential risks for population living near rivers their goods. Keywords : structural geomorphology, hazard, Cameroon.