摘要: Is suicide always wrong, sometimes permissible, or a matter of basic right? After raising related conceptual issues about the negative connotations term ‘suicide’ and difficulties distinguishing from self-sacrifice, martyrdom, chronic self-destructive behavior, self-administered euthanasia, this article examines traditional contemporary arguments concerning ethical status suicide. Some are principle-based; some consequentialist; virtue-based; each type includes for against permissibility Claims have to extent been challenged in recent years by new findings social correlates, biochemical abnormalities, markers risk. These interpreted mean that suicidal behavior is not voluntary thus there no issue. In contrast, debate over physician-assisted considers whether context terminal illness can be an informed, voluntary, ethically permissible choice. Arguments legalization appeal autonomy freedom suffering; cite wrongness killing slippery slope concerns potential abuse. Issues future focus on demand will disappear as pain symptom control improves, ‘designing’ one's own dying become normal, socially tolerated, expected thing do.