Dynamic response of microbial activity to irregular disturbance: effects of dormancy in biogeochemical simulations of multispecies systems.

作者: Philippe van Cappellen , Konstantin Stolpovsky , Ingo Fetzer , Martin Thullner



摘要: (1) Department of Earth Sciences – Geochemistry, Utrecht University, P.O. Box 80.021, 3508 TA, Utrecht, The Netherlands. (correnspondence: stolpovsky@geo.uu.nl) , (2) Environmental Microbiology, UFZ Helmholtz Centre for Research, Permoserstr. 15, 04318 Leipzig, Germany. (ingo.fetzer@ufz.de, martin.thullner@ufz.de) (3) School and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Institute Technology Atlanta, 30332-0340, USA. (pvc@eas.gatech.edu)
