作者: Alfonso R. Oddo
摘要: The digital divide – the widening gapbetween people who can use computers and theInternet to advance themselves, those who,because of poverty, education, or otherbarriers, cannot offers some unique financialand ethical challenges. Fallows (2000), inThe Invisible Poor, reports on stateof U.S. economy as it affects poor. Among other issues, argues thateconomic growth separates classes, ratherthan bringing them together. Attali (2000)suggests a possible solution this economicgap. believes that “...the only concreteway reduce poverty gap is within thecontext free market economy. It be doneby combining two success stories thelast decade: entrepreneurship technology,more specifically: microfinance theInternet.” This article addresses issues related tohow technology, particularly in area offinancial services, has affected ability ofthe poor better themselves. Ethicalchallenges accompany Information Agepoverty are examined context effortsto narrow divide.