作者: Zarine Roodt
摘要: This ex plor atory and de scrip tive in ves ti ga tion used the case study as re search strat egy to di cate how writ ing may be a spe cial ised form of ther apy for an ad o les cent phase mid-ad cence. The searched con sol i dated body knowl edge cern peu tic text, while high light Ges talt ap proach. Its em pir cal te gra cul mi nated method use pists who ir spec their ori en ta wish ply with cents. dis ser ar gues that prac tised from per should move grad u ally tool self-ex pres sion com one self-nur tur ing. It guide cli ent through pro cess self-reg la point self-sup port. In such cess, will evolve into apy, by heror him self means achiev equi lib rium.