DOI: 10.1587/TRANSELE.E93.C.1146
摘要: Users are increasingly demanding broadband services, and fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is the main technology to answer these demands. Gigabit-class passive optical network (PON) systems, IEEE802.3ah GE-PON [1] or ITU-T G.984 G-PON [2] have been widely deployed used by many operators. The number of FTTH users in Asia increasing has exceeded 30 million [3]. Especially Japan surpassed digital subscriber line (DSL) 2008. Recently, topped 15 million, ratio services among went above 50 percent [4]. This means supports most Japanese services. With emerging applications such as multi-channel high-density television (HDTV) distribution, broad bandwidths wider than those current system will be required. To respond bandwidth demand, several kinds technologies 10-Gbps class time division multiplexing (TDM), wavelength (WDM) [5], code-division multiple access (OCDMA) [6] orthogonal frequency-division (OFDMA) [7], [8] developed discussed next generation PON (NG-PON) technologies. As 10 Gb/s Ethernet [9], which was approved 2002, already TDM become mature, 10-Gbps-class attractive candidate for NG-PON systems. Therefore, standardization development organizations (SDOs) discussing standards. IEEE802.3 committee 10G-EPON standard [10] developing an XG-PON [11]. paper reviews trends fo-