作者: Mikhail Nikulin , Neige Aguirre
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Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability,2010, 引用: 1
Chi-Squared Goodness of Fit Tests with Applications,2013, 引用: 0
Springer Series in Reliability Engineering,2012, 引用: 2
Mathematical and Statistical Models and Methods in Reliability,2010, 引用: 0
Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems,2008, 引用: 6
Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics,2010, 引用: 12
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation,2009, 引用: 16
Communications in Statistics-theory and Methods,2015, 引用: 2
Statistical Methodology,2011, 引用: 2
Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics,2009, 引用: 16