摘要: The species approach to conservation is presented. Threatened of mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish and aquatic invertebrate in inland waters Australia are recorded discussed, using International Union for Conservation Nature Natural Resources categories status. Listed as endangered the western swamp tortoise, Pseudemydura umbrina (Chelidae); Baw frog, Philoria frosti (Myobatrachidae), platypus Rheobatrachus silus, R. vitellinus, elegant microhylid, Cophixalus concinnus, rock-dwelling C. saxatilis (Microhylidae), long-nosed tree Litoria longirostris (Hylidae); Clarence galaxias, Galaxias johnstoni, Swan G. fontanus, saddled tanycephalus (Galaxiidae), trout cod, Maccullochella macquariensis, River sp. (Percichthyidae); dragonfly Hemiphlebia mirabilis (Odonata: Hemiphlebiidae); Otway stonefly Eusthenia nothofagi (Plecoptera: Eustheniidae); caddisflies Taskiria mccubbini Taskiropsyche lacustris (Trichoptera: Kokiriidae); mollusc Ancylastrum cumingianus (Planorbiidae). Numerous other classed vulnerable, rare or out danger emphasis placed on insufficiently known from tropical central Australia. impact introduced native invertebrates has been considerable. There little State Commonwealth legislation protect species.