In Situ Observation of the Zr Poisoning Effect in Al Alloys Inoculated by Al-Ti-B

作者: Yiwang Jia , Shubin Wang , Haijun Huang , Donghong Wang , Yanan Fu

DOI: 10.1007/S11661-018-4834-6


摘要: In situ synchrotron X-ray radiography observations of the Zr-poisoning phenomenon an Al-20 wt pct Zn alloy inoculated by Al-5Ti-1B were carried out. The effects Zr addition on heterogeneous nucleation, grain growth, and final size quantitatively studied further analyzed using interdependence model. experimental results show that undercooling needed for nucleation increases rate decreases at early stage solidification with addition, resulting in fast a high increased severity solute segregation solid–liquid coexistence regions. At same time, poisoning is progressive process enhanced increasing content, holding temperature, time. nucleation-free zone Zr-containing sample, either measured from radiographs or calculated interdependency theory, larger than Zr-free sample. Our analysis shows both increase average interparticle spacing most potent available particles contribute to caused poisoning.

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