作者: Sho-Ching Hong , Ming-Shun Ho , Hsiu-Feng Lu , Ying-Chieh Sun
摘要: In the pres ent study, we re port cal cu lated life times of first hy dro gen stretch ing ex cited state on a gen-covered H/Ge(111) ger ma nium sur face us mo lec u lar dy nam ics sim la tion based Bloch-Redfield ory. The time was found to be 20 mi cro sec onds at room tem per ture, four or ders lon than stretches H/Si(111) sil i con face. ad di tion, tions for Ge-D and Ge-T gave in scale hun dreds tens nano onds, spec tively, ture. ther mal ef fect an Ge-Ge-H bend fre quency are dis cussed.