Experiments in Environmental Economics

作者: J.F. Shogren , T.M. Hurley

DOI: 10.4337/9781843768586.00093


摘要: Volume I: Motives and methods - Microeconomic systems as an experimental science, Vernon L. Smith (1982) Will economics become science?, Charles R. Plott (1991) Economics ecology A comparison of methodologies philosophies, Jason F. Shogren Clifford Nowell (1992) Let's keep the con out econ methodological note, Alvin E. Roth (1994) Progress in behavioral game theory, Colin Camerer (1997) Environmental risk: Measuring Utility by a Single-Response Sequential Method, Gordon M. Becker, Morris H. DeGroot Jacob Marschak (1964) Economic theory choice preference reversal phenomenon, David Grether (1979) Prospect An analysis decision under risk, Daniel Kahneman Amos Tversky The framing decisions psychology choice, (1981) Do biases probability judgment matter markets?, (1987) Experimental Evidence: Risk, ambiguity, insurance, Robin Hogarth Howard Kunreuther (1989) impact self-protection self-insurance on individual response to (1990) endowment effect, loss aversion, status quo bias, Kahneman, Jack Knetsch Richard Thaler Insurance for low-probability hazards bimodal unlikely events, Gary McClelland, William D. Schulze Don Coursey (1993) Investigating generalizations expected utility using data, John Hey Chris Orme conflict: empirical approach prisoners' dilemma game, Lester B. Lave (1962) Probabilistic destruction common-pool resources: evidence, James Walker Roy Gardner Communication coordination games, Russell Cooper, Douglas V. DeJong, Robert Forsythe Thomas W. Ross study centipede McKelvey Palfrey Repeated play, cooperation coordination: study, Rosenthal role communication resolving commons dilemmas evidence with heterogeneous appropriators, Steven Hackett, Edella Schlager Mitigating tragedy through evaluation, Mason Owen Phillips Endogenous timing gaming tournament, Kyung Hwan Baik, Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll (1999). II: cooperation: coase theorem Some tests, Elizabeth Hoffman Matthew Spitzer evaluation theorem, Glenn Harrison Michael McKee (1985) Coasian solutions externality problem markets, Harrison, Hoffman, E.E. Rutstrom (1987).
