摘要: This paper aims to promote a reflection and discussion about the use of ICT (Information Communication Technologies) by elderly people because this group citizens has serious risk being «e-Excluded». Some initiatives European Union Portugal are presented explained make clear efforts that were done some still allow participation in order their daily activities: «e-Inclusion». Because constitutes heterogeneous tries put evidence main barriers constraints when ICT. However also present trends for future may overcome difficulties an active ageing with help support technologies/ICT. Keyword: Technologies/ICT, Elderly People, Active Ageing, EU, Portugal, e-Initiatives, e-Inclusion. 1. Context Policies It is well known all industrial societies what implies profound economic social (mainly) implications concerns dramatic deep increase old age dependency ratio years Community. Figure 1 shows pyramid EU-25, 2003 (% total male/female population): 2011 e-CASE & e-Tech International Conference January 18-20, 2011, Toshi Center Hotel, Tokyo, Japan