摘要: By comparison with many other plant com-munities, the annual grasslands of California are considered phenologically simple and relatively uniform. Both within among different grasslands, relationship between climate growth development follows a repeated pattern: The herbaceous vegetation (of San Joaquin Experimental Range) is almost entirely plants, most which germinate after first rains in fall, grow slowly during winter, then rapidly spring. The plants mature die when soil water becomes depleted, usually April or May (Woodmansee Duncan 1980). The seasonal pattern (at Hopland Field Station) proceeds from germination, November, through short period moderate growth, longer winter slow, finally ends about month fast (Heady 1958). In flowering seed set occur spring conditions change due to increased high evapotranspiration, infrequent rainfall… (Ewing Menke 1983b). (Plants grasslands) begin fall exceeding 15 mm, spring, late June 1977).