摘要: Contents: R.A. Giacalone, P. Rosenfeld, Introduction -- Impression Management in Organizations: An Overview. Part I:Perspectives on Organizations. Section A:The Social Psychological Perspective. M. Snyder, J. Copeland, Self-Monitoring Processes Organizational Settings. B.R. Schlenker, M.F. Weigol, Self-Identification and Accountability. R. Cialdini, Indirect Tactics of Image Management: Beyond Basking. R.F. Baumeister, Motives Costs Self-Presentation R.L. Higgins, C.R. The Business Excuses. C.A. Riordan, Images Corporate Success. N. Bell, Tetlock, Intuitive Politician the Assignment Blame R.M. Arkin, J.A. Sheppard, Styles B:The G.R. Ferris, G.S. Russ, P.M. Fandt, Politics D.J. Moberg, Ethics Management. E.F. Stone, Self-Presentational Biases Research. V.L. Huber, G.P. Latham, E.A. Locke, Impressions Through Goal Setting. D.A. Gioia, Self-Serving Bias as a Self-Sensemaking Strategy: Explicit Versus Tacit Ralston, Elsass, Ingratiation Organization. II:Applications to A:Selection Entry. J.P. Wanous, at C. Fletcher, Selection Interview. S.B. Knouse, Letter Recommendation. B:Supervisors Employees. Villanova, H.J. Bernardin, Context Performance Appraisal. H.G. Pollard, D.E. Brannen, Role Forensic Factors Grievant Labor Arbitration Decisions. R.W. Eder, D.B. Fedor, Its Interpretative Supervisor-Employee Feedback Process. C:Leadership. R.C. Liden, T.R. Mitchell, Development Leader-Member Exchanges. M.R. Leary, Leadership Emergence Effectiveness. D:Antinormative Behaviors. P.J. DePaulo, B.M. Tang, G.W. Swaim, Lying Detecting Lies S.L. Payne, Employee Theft. E:New Directions. S. Ornstein, Office Design. S.J. Grove, R.P. Fisk, Services Marketing: A Dramaturgical