作者: Gab-Soon Kim
DOI: 10.5369/JSST.2013.22.2.118
摘要: Abstract Most serious stroke patients have the paralysis of their wrists, and can't use hands freely. But wrists can be recovered byrehabilitation exercise. Recently, professional rehabilitation therapeutists exercise in hospital. ofstroke not rehabilitated, because are much less than number. Therefore, wrist bending-exercise robot that measure bending force patients' is developed. In this paper, three-axis forcesensor was designed for robot. As a test results, interference error 0.85%. It thought sensor used to patient. Keywords : Three-axis sensor, Interference error, Rated output, Wrist robot, ²y´r ux5ýoбÐW×UOdÐ> Þ× vA ASI\7U~ AC:ÐA>E¤ Þ EU8W,q au ¹idý A²×W\DU~d8$ cy >%(d3o8 * & ÞS5aUOdÐ> Þ×WDd8ou Þ×y D5ýK c } ad 3E8u ¹× *IiOÞ²ý y Þ aW\DU~d28 Ý$ aU~¼h2dýDPEI U Þi 5 o 7ÐU~W3$ aU~ yDd28$ adý8PE O 7WD yI ýOIba 'a@n a ¸8 ÞÝ$ ahI· i aW AqJh8´uS×ý8PE Oi$ A²¸z aNdý7%Io@(O i;W7 ýOLuS×W>d28 auS5ab2I ¯ðoбoWDU~¼h28 ¹8zE aAi whA²> 1:N WD A ,? a>SiU~¼h2dýD>bo aj7U~ Þq¼hn8± ¯2X Þq Þ×jII3$ cU~¼hn8 ÞIG\8I E Þq ¯ aiI iMIýI2X c²×dýD e , ?K whA²> Þi whA²×YZ[N nDhE'Y'Z'[32 Þ×A²ILEx5ýA²D uÝ3Xq a Sý³?;iU~¼h2dý Arb:× whA²× uÝzÝ>zaIx azE aAý A 1 ÞÝI aiOÞadPE;i whA² ×PD>zI sOE(I uÝaDDdIdý5ý×x ÞN inA²¤ A²×oбoWDU~¼h2dý 1: ¯U~D¼hn8 auS× whA²3¸ ai whA²3q}B O, a×e '&.BOBMZTJT8I E ÂX O5tA²D `? ÷8 Oi whA²¸ ÂXU~¼hn ;