作者: Ronald Eisler
摘要: MERCURY SOURCES, USES, PROPERTIES, TRANSPORT, POISONING MECHANISMS, AND TREATMENT Introduction References Mercury Uses and Sources Summary Properties Physical Chemical Biological Biochemical Transport Speciation Measurement Poisoning Treatment CONCENTRATIONS IN FIELD COLLECTIONS OF ABIOTIC MATERIALS, PLANTS, ANIMALS Concentrations in Abiotic Materials Air Coal Sediments Sewage Sludge Snow Ice Soils Water Plants Animals Algae Macrophytes Invertebrates Elasmobranchs Bony Fishes Amphibians Reptiles Birds Humans Other Mammals Multitaxonomic Field Collections Asia Brazil Caribbean Region Europe India North America Polar LETHAL SUBLETHAL EFFECTS UNDER CONTROLLED CONDITIONS Lethal Effects of Aquatic Organisms Terrestrial Sublethal Carcinogenicity, Genotoxicity, Teratogenicity Bacteria Microorganisms CASE HISTORIES Case Histories: Japan Locations Minamata, Niigata Prefecture, Tokuyama Bay, Guizhou, China Faroe Islands Republic Seychelles New Zealand Ontario, Canada Hazards from Gold Mining History Ecotoxicological Aspects Amalgamation PROPOSED CRITERIA, CONCLUDING REMARKS Proposed Criteria for Protection Natural Resources Human Health Agricultural Crops Life Concluding Remarks Index