摘要: Complexity is understood differently in anthropology and the complexity studies. I discuss two principles of socio-political organization, particularly, phenomenon homoarchy as a counterpart to that heterarchy. Respectively heterarchy - "... relation elements one another when they are unranked or possess potential for being ranked number different ways," "the rigidly way only, thus no (or limited) ways at least without cardinal reshaping whole order." For anthropology, it wrong postulate either presupposes higher level complexity, while students heterarchic model more complex than homoarchic: It not less sustained but has degree non-equilibrium. Introduction: The essence problem By present, studies have firmly established themselves highly prospective field research embraces actually variety living still nature phenomena. This definitely means social scientists, among others, should be sensitive responsive theories elaborated within order enrich their purely social-scientific approaches with achievements this broader discipline. seems especially important anthropologists archaeologists, far just them notion central crucially significant students. At same time, what ought comprehended clearly very outset, meaningful difference understanding and, hence, contents respective term, between scientists In sciences (anthropology including archaeology) routinely, from 19th century evolutionists (Claessen, 2000: 15) on, structural, rise which socio-economic, political, ideological, ecological other factors sets regarded responsible, depending on particular researchers' (see: Wenke, 1999: 331-385; Denton, 2004; Sassaman, 2004: 231-236). Thus, components, "levels integration", towering each culture embraces, is, disregarding levels (the structural components whole) interrelated, approach differs employed So, "[definitions begin connotation applicable mechanical biological systems societies: relative measure parts system interrelationships those parts" (Sassaman, 231; original emphasis). A recent clear application archaeology provided by Henry Wright who further "canonizes" using background codifying data "Atlas Chiefdoms Early States": "Total complexity... product specializations local units, exchange, administrative complexity" sum segments decisionmaking" tower (2006: 3). recognized valid only respect separate societies agglomerations either: example, world entity, above all, because comprises considerable constituent interrelated hierarchically, i.e., divided into core peripheral. majority bothered societal all socio-cultural history, its worldwide dimension, history constant unidirectional growth simple middle-range eventually contemporary supercomplex aggregates accompanied stability societies' ability cope prospect fission: "Change direction increasing goes organization permits greater internal system" (Scott, 1989: 6). …