摘要: Publisher Summary Muscle cramps are a common complaint and caused by many diseases of muscle, peripheral nerve, the central nervous system. frequently painful. Benign, physiological in healthy people. They typically localized to part muscle or one muscle. The calf, hamstrings, intrinsic foot muscles most commonly affected. Benign occur at rest during sleep but may interrupt exercise, particularly after forceful contraction shortened believed originate system from spontaneous activity terminal motor nerve fibers. Peripheral hyperexcitability syndromes characterized continuous driven ectopic discharges originating within (motor) nerves. Schwartz–Jampel syndrome is rare condition which with high-frequency occurs along skeletal deformity. Myotonia refers phenomenon stiffness persistent because fiber membrane hyperexcitability. Myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle's disease) phosphofructokinase produce exercise induced myalgia, stiffness, painful cramps. increase use lipid-lowering statin drugs (HMG coenzyme reductase A inhibitors) accompanied number muscular complaints including myalgia Stiff-person (SPS) axial rigidity unit discharge paraspinal (particularly thoracolumbar), abdominal wall, proximal leg muscles.