State of the California current 2015-16: Comparisons with the 1997-98 el niÑo

作者: RM Suryan , M Kahru , E Bjorkstedt , AJ Gladics , AJ Debich



摘要: Author(s): McClatchie, S; Goericke, R; Leising, A; Auth, TD; Bjorkstedt, E; Robertson, RR; Brodeur, RD; Du, X; Daly, EA; Morgan, CA; Chavez, FP; Debich, AJ; Hildebrand, J; Field, Sakuma, K; Jacox, MG; Kahru, M; Kudela, Anderson, C; Lavaniegos, BE; Gomez-Valdes, Jimenez-Rosenberg, SPA; McCabe, Melin, SR; Ohman, MD; Sala, LM; Peterson, B; Fisher, Schroeder, ID; Bograd, SJ; Hazen, EL; Schneider, Golightly, RT; Suryan, RM; Gladics, Loredo, Porquez, JM; Thompson, AR; Weber, ED; Watson, W; Trainer, V; Warzybok, P; Bradley, Jahncke, J | Abstract: © 2016, Scripps Institution of Oceanography. All rights reserved. Warm conditions in the North Pacific 2014-15 were a result continuation marine heat wave, large area exceptionally high SST anomalies that originated Gulf Alaska late 2013. The wave interacted with an El Nino developing equatorial 2015. Weekly periods temperature (g2˚C) occurred until start (winter 2015), when SSTs still but not as those due to wave. During 2015-16 Nino, depth 26.0 kg m-3 isopycnal (d26.0) was considerably shallower than during 1982- 83 and 1997-98 events. affected by mixed layer comparable lasted longer. Water column stratification upper 100 m strong most extreme values Nino. This primarily driven warming m. Despite notable perturbations, effects 2015- 16 on hydrographic properties CalCOFI domain observed ocean conditions, stratification, nutrient suppression, silicic acid stress likely favored initiation toxic Pseudo-nitzschia bloom fall 2014. Very low zooplankton displacement volumes associated anomalously warm saline surface waters off Baja California. In contrast, volume near average. Off California, pelagic red crab (Pleuroncodes planipes) adults abundant water frequently washed up beaches southern California from January 2015 into central September Glider measurements integrated transport June did detect anomalous northward advection. As expected, HF radar indicated currents along coast winter 2015-16. Northward advection appeared be much stronger Throughout 2015-16, community Oregon shelf dominated lipid-poor tropical sub-tropical copepods gelatinous zooplankton, indicating poor feeding for small fishes are prey juvenile salmon. presence rarely encountered species increased copepod richness levels higher 1998 We infer unusual vagrants offshore southwesterly source; important difference southerly origin very caused sardine spawning shift Oregon. Mesopelagic fish assemblage exhibited abundances affinities, lower northern affinities. Forage (Pacific herring, anchovy, sardine) less compared previous years. catches salmon close average Catches young-ofthe- year rockfishes both Seabirds at Southeast Farallon Island reduced breeding populations, success, chick growth rates, fledging weights. Common murres negatively seabird responses species-specific. It is clear results presented here anomaly ecosystem complicated, regionally specific, we do fully understand them yet.
