摘要: Privacy requirements have an increasing impact on the realization of modern applications. Commercial and legal regulations demand that privacy guarantees be provided whenever sensitive information is stored, processed, or communicated to external parties. Current approaches encrypt data, thus reducing query execution efficiency preventing selective release. Preserving in Data Outsourcing presents a comprehensive approach for protecting highly when it stored systems are not under data owner's control. The illustrated combines access control encryption, enforcing via structured encryption. This solution, coupled with efficient algorithms key derivation distribution, provides secure authorization management outsourced allowing owner outsource only but security policy itself. To reduce amount encrypted book also investigates fragmentation as possible way protect associations provide complementary means privacy: broken by will visible users authorized (by knowing proper key) join fragments. finally problem executing queries over distributed at different servers which must controlled ensure parties that. Case Studies throughout book. Privacy, mining, protection, outsourcing, electronic commerce, machine learning professionals others working these related fields find this valuable asset, well primary such ACM, IEEE Management Science. suitable advanced level students researchers concentrating computer science secondary text reference