摘要: Helicobacter pylori is one of the world's most common pathogens. It colonizes about 60% population, causes gastritis and peptic ulcer, strongly associated with gastric adenocarcinoma lymphoma. However, individuals never develop clinical disease. Thirteen years after culture H. by Marshall Warren, we still do not know its major mode transmission. Childhood represents period acquisition infection in third world, but rare children developed world. Possible routes include either oral-oral or fecal-oral, iatrogenic spread inadvertent use unsterile pH probes endoscopes, vectorial flies. Evidence to support each route transmission provided, there no predominant route. The only significant reservoir appears be humans themselves. organism has been found some domestic cats nonhuman primates, opportunities for human interaction latter are rare, making from this source an unlikely possibility. propensity become a coccoid form. This may represent persistent form which can exist environment, it yet shown that revert replicative