Responsive Computer Systems: Steps toward Fault-Tolerant Real-Time System


DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-2271-3


摘要: Preface. List of figures. tables. 1. A tight lower bound for processor coordination S. Chaudhuri, et al. 2. Self-stabilizing real-time decision systems M. Schneider. 3. Management and scheduling tests locating failures dependent upon operation-time in responsive Y.L.C. Change, L.C. Lander. 4. Adding robustness dynamic preemptive G.C. Buttazzo, J.A. Stankovic. 5. Static deadlock analysis CSP-type communications P.B. Ladkin, B.B. Simons. 6. Comparing how well asynchronous atomic broadcast protocols perform F. Christian, 7. Hard reliable multicast the DEDOS system D. Alstein, P. van der Stok. 8. Speculative algorithms concurrency control databases A. Bestavros. 9. Autonomous transaction managers computing N. Soparkar, 10. Adaptable fault tolerance Bondavalli, 11. Fault-tolerant automatic Bodson, 12. Design performance evaluation a fault-tolerant, hard-real-time, parallel B. Clasen, Index.
