摘要: Contents: Preface. C. Moore, K. Lemmon, The Nature and Utility of the Temporally Extended Self. Nelson, Language Self: From "Experiencing I" to "Continuing Me." R. Fivush, Owning Experience: Developing Subjective Perspective in Autobiographical Narratives. J.A. Hudson, Anticipated Mother-Child Talk About Future Events. D.J. Povinelli, Elevated Consciousness Time. M. Welch-Ross, Personalizing Evaluative Self-Awareness Development Memory. C.M. Atance, D.K. O'Neill, Planning 3-Year-Olds: A Reflection Self? J. Barresi, Extending Self-Consciousness Into Future. Binding Self Perner, Episodic Memory: Essential Distinctions Developmental Implications. T. McCormack, Hoerl, Child Time: Temporal Concepts P.D. Zelazo, Sommerville, Levels