摘要: Objective: The authors estimated the heritability of basic dimensions personality disorder and relative proportions ofthe variance attributable to genetic environmental sources. Method: subjects were I 75 volunteer twin pairs (90 monozygotic 85 dizygotic) from general population. Each completed Dimensional Assessment Personality Pathology, a questionnaire that assesses 18 disorder. was developed on basis factor analytic studies identified stable structure underlying disorders in clinical nonclinical subjects. Structural equation model-fitting methods used estimate influence additive genetic, common environmental, unique effects. Results: estimates broad ranged 0%, for conduct problems, 64%, narcissism. Behaviors associated with submissiveness attachment problems had low heritability. For most dimensions, bestf itting model one specified � clusions: These results are similar those reported normal suggest continuity between disordered personality. (Am J Psychiatry 1993; 150:1826-1831)