摘要: 1. Paleorecord of Norway spruce A. Srodon, K. Tobolski.- 2. Morphology T. Przybylski.- 3. Taxonomy W. Bugala.- 4. Geographic distribution Boratynska.- 5. The Central European disjunctions in the range Spruce Boratynski.- 6. Anatomy, embryology, and karyology. Bud structure shoot development Hejnowicz.- 7. Growth nutrition. 7.1. Hormonal regulation growth andd evelopment S. Pukacka. 7.2. Mineral nutrition H. Fober.- 8. Reproduction. 8.1. Reproductive Chalupka. 8.2. Vegetative propagation Barzdajn.- 9. Genetics. 9.1. Provenance variation andinheritance M. Giertych. 9.2. Biochemical genetics L. Mejnartowicz, Lewandowski.- 10. Mycorrhiza. 10.1. mycorrhizal status M.L. Rudawska. 10.2. Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis environmental stresses B. Kieliszewska-Rokicka.- 11. Outline ecology. 11.1. Ecology J. Modrzynski. 11.2. Community dynamics Danielewicz, P. Pawlaczyk.- 12. Tree health. 12.1. Major infectious diseases Manka. 12.2. Bark beetles Michalski.- 13. Silviculture Szymanski.- 14. function polluted environments. 14.1. Sensitivity to pollution Karolewski. 14.2. Effects pollutants on needle wood anatomy Werner.- 15.Wood properties uses Surminski.- References.- Authors' Index.- Index Names Organisms.- Subject