摘要: Phototropism, the curvature of a growing part plant or fungus toward away from light, is well known, but not particularly understood, phenomenon. The general topic phototropism has been extensively reviewed (Foster, 1977; Dennison, 1979; Hertel, 1980; Gressel and Horwitz, 1982; Pohl Russo, 1984; Briggs Baskin, 1988; Firn, 1990; Iino, 1990). This chapter will focus on two Zygomycete fungi, Phycomyces Pilobolus, both which are currently under active investigation. A recent review (Galland, 1990) compares in with that higher plants. For more extensive coverage classical work see article by Page (1968). some fungi Russo (1984). (1968) listed known offered generalization that, although occurs widely terrestrial it does seem to occur aquatic fungi.