摘要: Imagine you are a prehistoric hunter-gatherer. Your primary motivation is to find food, as that your only source of the energy which body needs stay alive and without it will slowly starve die. The balance between amount food gained in hunting gathering, expended those activities critical. If ratio not high enough still die from starvation, just more than if had no at all. Let us say for every usable calorie gain, expend 1 gathering process. Then would be fine, not? Unfortunately not, death, even slowly. has whole host functions directly related finding but critical survival. First all, there need water, about 5–10 days. Then, have digest transform into useful calories, excrete processed water otherwise bladder intestines swell up rendering painfully immobile. So, let all these other require doubling calorific intake, so now get 2 calories spent gathering. Now good, right? Still answer human also annoying sleep approximately one third day malfunction start going somewhat mad. add another that. Therefore, 3 make good balance.