摘要: The practice of stratification based on variables or indicators such as race, ethnicity, gender and socioeconomic position has been integral in the development a substantial body social epidemiologic literature demonstrating significant persistent inequalities health outcomes. However, it is time for epidemiologists to recognize that mere demonstration gradients no longer enough. identification gaps these flags presence potential problem but does not explain underlying mechanisms. Yet proxies are often treated if they exposures responsible In this chapter, we will explore how research can evolve identify real causes inform interventions evaluations target identified inequities. key recommendations chapter to: 1. Draw from strong theories about causal mechanisms, which must take into consideration relational aspects groups comparing; 2. Undertake measurement of, by, modifiable societal contextual factors lead hierarchical power relations between socially defined groups; and 3. Undertake accurately heterogeneity experiences within ensure individuals essentialized, with particular focus solution-linked heterogeneity.