摘要: The “peptide-synthesizing” or “peptidergic” neurons have recently become the object of intense interest in neurobiology (for reviews see Krieger, 1983; Beal and Martin, 1986). While neurophysiological research has usually been directed toward an understanding long- short-term synaptic receptor actions neuropeptides, comparatively little attention electrophysiology peptide-secreting themselves. In part, this reflects apparent lack unique electrophysiological signals comparable to immunocytochemical staining that would serve identify peptidergic nature any specified neuron under examination. Since peptides are quite possibly present all neurons, other criteria (e.g., uniformity identity a specific location) may prove more fruitful. One obvious instances above is collection magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) mammalian hypothalamic supraoptic (SON) paraventricular (PVN) nuclei, accessory cell groups. These “classic” long viewed as by Bargmann (1949), Scharrer (1975), Sachs (1970), others. Immunocytochemical studies clearly revealed these synthesize either oxytocin vasopressin (Swaab et al., 1975; Vandesande Dierickx, 1975). Their axons project almost exclusively into neurohypophysis, where released proportion their levels excitability. This chapter will review selected aspects neurophysiology class based on observations acquired during vivo vitro experiments rat.